Back to School Blues
Back to school time can leave all of us with the blues, especially when you just aren't ready for summer to end. As a teacher summer can be an especially exciting time and I was blessed with the opportunity to get to spend a portion of my summer traveling. First my travels started in Auckland, New Zealand. From Zealand I spent three weeks in Australia. I finished off the trip with a week and a half in Bali, Indonesia. Traveling has taught me so much, but this trip especially ( because I was a solo female traveler in Asia) reminded me how good people are, people really are amazing. It was just a reminder how big and beautiful our world is, I think it is easy to get caught up in our day to day lives and forgot how small we are. For now I am excited for another school year and look forward to what my students will teach me this year!
Praying everyone has a great first week of school, and a fabulous year in general!
Miss Iannaccone